Groundhog Nights Msolo inc masturbation

From the imagination of Chase Shivers

January 14, 2015

Please read my Explicit Disclaimer before you read my work.

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Chapter 3: The Perfect Date

Chapter Cast:

Quinn, Male, 41
- Narrator, project manager, father of Tera
- 6'0, 190lbs, wavy blonde-brown hair a few inches long
Tera, Female, 15
- High School Freshman, daughter of Quinn
- 5'7, 135lbs, shoulder-length bright copper-red hair

Day 1.012

I was terribly disgusted with myself as Tera's scent lingered in my memory long after I'd hit the button on the alarm clock. I hadn't expected to be aroused, hadn't even noticed that I got hard after her private arousal wafted into my nose. I felt like an awful person.

I let out a long breath, thankful that the day had restarted and I had the opportunity to let that reaction slip away and disappear.

My robe around me this time, I went down to the kitchen. Tera was leaning against the counter, wearing only a white bra and dark-blue cotton panties.

I couldn't meet her eyes.

“Jesus, Dad. Rough night?”

“Longer than you know.”

Tera looked at me with sympathy, tilted her hair so that it fell away from her face. She bit into a banana, said, “it's taking it's toll, Dad. I don't like seeing you so stressed out. Makes me sad for you.”

“I'll be ok, Sweetheart.” I flashed her a quick smile. “Besides, don't you have something you should be doing other than worrying about me?”

“Someone has to worry about you, but yeah. I should go get dressed. Curt will be here in an hour to pick me up.”

Needless to say, Curt didn't show after I slashed his tires. While I'd waited for the hour to pass and the phone call with the prick to happen, I started feeling very selfish. Once I'd understood that I was caught in a loop, I'd been solely concerned with getting laid. Each time, each night, my daughter was frustrated and disappointed, and after almost two weeks of that, it was wearing on me.

Even though she didn't experience that time passing the same way, I did. I knew it happened. Every single night, she went to bed disappointed. I told myself I could use an evening off from Bobbi, having sated myself the night before by pushing her to the extremes I desired and found nothing more interesting and new to try. I figured I'd have plenty of opportunities to revisit the woman, and I owed it to my daughter to try to have her night end better than it did otherwise.

Tera hung up the phone, her shoulders dropping, frustration and disappointment on her face. “All his tires are flat so he canceled on me. Ugh... another Friday night like every other.”

I sympathized, “Sorry, Sweetheart.”

She let out a frustrated groan, said, “I'm just going to go to bed, Dad. Ugh.”

I gave her a hug, and she hugged me back loosely. I pulled back, looked at her a moment.

“What?” she asked, resigned to her angst.

“Seeing as how you're all dressed up and looking beautiful, why don't we have a date night? You know, like we used to do before you were too grown up to be seen with me in public?”

She rolled her head, “nah. Thanks, though.”

“Seriously. I'll go throw on a nice outfit, take you to dinner and go see a movie. Come on, I could use some quality time with you, it's been ages.”

Tera looked at me oddly, “we just spent last weekend camping. By ourselves. Don't you remember?”

I remembered, but those days were nearly three weeks in my past. “I know... I just... I've been working a lot, you know? I could use some friendly company. What do you say?”

She smiled finally, gave me a puckered grin. “Ok, Dad. Just for you. Hurry up, then. I'm starving.”

I kissed Tera's forehead and went up to the bathroom. I shaved and tried to clean up my messy hair. I put on a dark suit that I usually only broke out for business dinners. It looked sharp on me, or so I believed. I spritzed a bit of cologne on my neckline, brushed my teeth. I made a quick phone call to a place I thought would make a great dinner date.

I came back downstairs where Tera sat on a stool in the kitchen. She eyed me strangly a moment. “Overdress much?”

I threw wide my arms, said, “just wanted to look nice for you, Sweetheart. Thought you might like to hang off the arm of a classy gentleman for an evening.”

She laughed. “I dunno about classy, but you do look quite handsome. Ok. You ready to go?”

“I am.”

“Where we going to eat?”

“How about Bruno's”

Her eyes went wide. “Isn't that the super-expensive place that won all those awards?”

“The very place.”

“Jesus, Dad.” She gave me an amused look, stood and gave me her mock, sexy sway I knew so well. “A girl might just put out after a place like that.”

I cringed but managed to laugh. I tried not to show how the smell of her pussy the night before was still ringing in my brain. “Milady.” I said, offering her my arm.

She gave me her best deep baroness voice as she slid her arm into mine. “Good sir.”

- - -

Tera asked me three times if I was sure before she ordered the eighty-dollar steak and the fifteen-dollar baked potato. She looked at me like I was crazy a minute, shrugged, and told the server what she wanted.

“Make that two, and I'll take a bottle of this She-ner-dee-num cabernet as well.”

“The Channadeenium, very good sir.”

The server slipped away and I sat sipping water a moment, smiling at the way Tera kept glancing around as if she couldn't believe she was sitting in the world-renowned restaurant. The red dress hung off her shoulders playfully, and with the makeup she wore, there were moments in the candlelit room where I saw her mother sitting there.

I ignored the anger I still had for the woman, tried not to let that drag me down.

Tera looked back at me, smiled, said, “why here, Dad? This place is crazy expensive. We could have just gone to Moe's.”

“Moe's is fine if you want greasy pizza and aren't on a date with the most beautiful girl in the universe. Bruno's is the only place you should be eating tonight.”

Tera blushed a bit, couldn't hide her smile even as she turned her head. “Laying it on thick, Dad.”

“Sorry. Just enjoying spending time with you. But I meant it. You deserve the best, Sweetheart. Don't ever let anyone make you settle for less.”

She looked down at her lap a moment, then at me. “Do you ever think about Mom?”

My smile fell away. “Less and less everyday.”

“Yeah,” she sounded melancholy, “me too. I used to want to see her again, just to talk, you know? But... she was a real jerk to you, Dad. I hate her for hurting you.”

I was silent and Tera watched me a moment before softening, saying, “I'm sorry, Dad. I shouldn't bring up Mom. I guess we should just forget about her.”

I tried to smile, “it's ok, Tera. I learned that lesson. I've got you instead of her. I'll take that every time.”

She picked at a twelve-dollar salad the size of my fist. “Dad... why haven't you started dating again? It's been over two years since she left.”

“I dunno, Sweetie. Just never felt right, I guess. Never met the right person.” I swallowed a bit of a garlic and herb pita cracker. “For a while, I didn't want to put you at risk again. Us, I guess I should say. I didn't want a relationship with anyone but you. I trusted you not to break my heart. I couldn't say the same for the rest of the world. And then... it just became a habit. I've not met a woman yet who I think is worth dating.” Dating being the key word, I'd met many I wanted to have sex with even if I never acted upon it.

“I guess I get it. Just... makes me sad to see you lonely.”

I looked up at her. “You think I'm lonely?”

She said softly, “yes.”

I swallowed a bite, washed it down with some of the $200 wine I couldn't pronounce. “You're more right than wrong. Most of the time, it's ok. I've got you, I've got my job. It's enough. Most of the time.”

Tera reached across the table and took my hand. She was always such a softy. “I love you, Dad. I'd do anything for you.”

I smiled at her, felt warmer suddenly. “I know, Tera. I love you, too. And I'd do anything for you. Always.” I looked up to see the server approaching. “Ah, now we're talking.”

He sat the plates down and we both eyed our meals. The steaks were the size of my fist and at least from a couple of feet away, could have been a steak bought anywhere for a quarter the price.

I smiled at my daughter again, the candlelight striking beautiful shadows in her coppery-red hair. “Well, we aren't paying ridiculous prices to just look at it. Let's eat!”

- - -

So the food was overpriced. I didn't care. Money meant nothing to me anymore. The next time I woke up, the cash I'd spent would be back in my wallet or in my dresser. It was kinda nice to know that I could, at least for the night, not worry about budgets and overpaying for tiny steaks and wine which tasted like every other cabernet I'd ever had.

All that mattered was that when I stood up after dinner and offered Tera my arm, she took it, smiling.

We drove to the movie theater. “So... what are you wanting to see?”

She pursed her lips, answered, “I dunno. Maybe the new Brad Pitt one.”

I groaned audibly. “That one, eh?”

“Maybe. Guess not. I forgot. You hate Brad Pitt.”

I smiled, said, “true. But I love you more than I hate him. If you want to see the Pitt, we'll see the Pitt.”

At the ticket booth, I let Tera ask for the tickets while I slipped two twenties through the opening.

“Uh... give us two tickets for the next showing of Murphy's Lawyer.”

I looked at her oddly, said, “thought you wanted to see Pitt?”

Tera smiled at me, replied, “I did, but I know you'd hate it. So I picked something I hope we'll both like. That ok?”

I kissed her cheek, “my sweet girl.”

Tera blushed as the ticket girl stared blankly at us. “Jesus, Dad. Not in public. People will talk.”

I laughed and we scooted inside. I picked up a big bucket of popcorn and a couple of sodas before we went back to the theater and found seats in the prime spot. We had the place mostly to ourselves, the relatively unknown independent film on its third and likely final week of showing.

I passed the popcorn to Tera, and she grabbed a handful. I couldn't help smiling at her as the lights dimmed and we settled in for the evening.

- - -

The movie was actually pretty good. Oscar quality compared to the Pitt movie we almost went to see. Again. A romantic comedy with plenty of adult humor. Tera laughed at the euphemisms and so did I.

I don't remember how she and I developed that unusual way of humoring each other, but I am certain it was always innocent. Despite the way she joked about seeing my penis, or how I playfully let her know when I could see her nipples through her shirt, it was never sexual.

However we came by that playful adult interaction, it was part of what made us close. The fact that we could joke with each other about those things and not feel shamed or embarrassed, it just made it easier to relate to each other and deal with life when things were tough. As they had been when her mom, my ex-wife, went through her downward spiral the last year of our relationship.

The movie taught her a new catchphrase, if it's jinglin', I'm tinglin', which she said a couple of times to me as we left the cinema and went back to the car. The lead actress was referring to the way the small bells on her blouse always seemed to ring whenever her nipples were hard. It was a funny scene which was repeated for effect later near the end.

We got in the car, and I heard Tera say it again, this time shaking her chest and making her breasts sway under her dress. I caught myself staring at her. Her eyes caught mine and thankfully, she laughed, “what, I swing my boobs and you have to look?”

I recovered quickly, “boobs have more power than you know.”

She gave me the line, changed slightly, from Spider-man, “with great boobs comes great responsibility.” I laughed, shook my head, managed to push away whatever that seed was that throbbed deep in my mind.

As we drove home, Tera leaned back, relaxed, smiling. I looked over at her, the grin plastered on her face.


“I dunno. Just feel good.” She looked at me, said, “I had a lot of fun, Dad. Thanks...”

I smiled back at her, nodded, “Me too. Maybe we'll do it again tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow, we're going to the lake, remember?”

I felt the sting of disappointment that all this would be gone for her when I woke up. “Right... the lake.”

I pulled into the garage and we went inside. Tera yawned and stretched, smiled at me sleepily. “Oh, well, guess this lady won't be putting out tonight.”

I raised an eyebrow, “No? What'd I do wrong?”

“It's twelve-ten, after midnight. My Daddy told me to be home before midnight. He'll spank me for sure.” Her pout was delightfully overdone. “So, I'm not putting out and he might kill you, to boot.”

“Goodnight, Tera,” I said, smiling. She hugged me and I let the embrace linger just a bit longer than usual.

She pulled back, looked at me a second, “thanks, Dad. Seriously. I really needed this.”

“I love you, Tera. See you in the morning.”

I sat in the kitchen long after my daughter had gone to bed. It was the best date I'd had in a long time. I enjoyed it more than all the bareback sex I'd had with Bobbi, better than any of the fantasies I'd played out in my head. There was nothing sexual that night, just a proud father who'd managed to turn his daughter's night from disappointing to invigorating.

I crept into my bedroom and laid on the bed for a while, my mind turning slowly over everything that the next day might bring. I loved the way this one went, better by far than any of the others. I planned to do it again.

As I started to get sleepy, the scent of Tera's pussy came back to me in force. Would that ever go away? She was my daughter, Goddammit. Why did it arouse me?

Part of me put it together, though. Maybe not fully, maybe not ready to follow where it led. But I loved my daughter deeply. After spending years alone, I'd had intense sex with Bobbi and been sated, but it wasn't enough. I wanted something more, something meaningful. I'd been honest when I told Tera that I wasn't interested in dating the women I'd met since Karen. It struck me profoundly that when I started making a list of who I would even consider, none of them measured up to my daughter.

I was disturbed again by the thought and did my best to force it down and prayed that sleep would find me quickly.

Day 1.013

I went downstairs to the kitchen the next day, still troubled by my thoughts from the night before. Tera was leaning against the counter, wearing only a white bra and dark-blue cotton panties. My eyes lingered just a second too long on her body, just a hint of the fiery pubes beneath the dark fabric.

Tera raised her eyebrows, wrinkled her nose, “Jesus, Dad. Like what you see?”

“You're the one hanging out practically naked.”

“You're one to talk. At least I'm not hanging out for real.”

Her eyes were on my crotch where I knew my penis was once more exposed.

“Touche.” I tucked myself back inside and made coffee.

I repeated the events of the previous night, once more having a fantastic date night with my daughter. Creeping discomfort poisoned my thoughts, but I did my best not to show it.

- - -

After the movie, I pulled into the garage and we went inside. Tera yawned and stretched, smiled at me sleepily. “Oh, well, guess this lady won't be putting out tonight.”

“Can I ask you something, Tera?”

She raised one eyebrow, “is this one of those conversations where I get really uncomfortable and you try to explain how I need to know the facts of life?”


“Oh, boy.”

“Sit down a moment.” I pulled out a chair for her and sat on a stool. “Tera... are you a virgin?”

“Jesus, Dad!” She paused, looked down at her feet. “Yes...”

“And... you've thought about having sex, right? Maybe even picked someone out?”

Her look betrayed her, “no... not really.”

“What about Curt? Maybe you thought you might give him your virginity?”

“Jesus, Dad. No. Never.” I knew she was lying, and not just because of how things had gone in the earlier times I'd let her go on the date with that prick.

“I was a virgin until I was eighteen.”

Tera looked uncomfortable, blushing.

“I waited for the right one. I waited and waited and wished it wasn't so frustrating.”

She wrinkled her forehead, “ooo-kaaay...”

I was fumbling. “I waited for the right one and ended up losing my virginity to a drunk girl my freshman year. I don't even remember her name.”

Tera waited in silence for me to continue.

“My point is... there is no right one. It's an illusion. The right one doesn't exist. There's great ones and terrible ones, and most everyone else is in the middle. The best you can hope for is to avoid the terrible ones and find someone you like. It doesn't have to be love, Tera. Sex is complicated enough to manage, trying to fall in love first can make it even more so.”

“Ooo-kaaay...” she said again.

I gave her a thin smile. “Just wanted you to know that. The terrible ones should be obvious enough. There's the self-absorbed assholes who drive around in big trucks and treat other people like garbage.” I knew she was picturing Curt even though she had no idea how much I knew about him. “Those guys... they'll have sex with you, but they'll make you feel like shit afterwards. Get what I'm saying?”

“Not really...”

I sighed. “Sorry, Sweetheart, just something that I wanted you to know. Think about it when you are ready to make that decision.”

“I will...”

I stood from the stool and wrapped my arms around her, hugging her to my stomach. Her arms slid slowly around my waist. “I love you, Tera. I only want the best for you.”

“I know, Dad.” She yawned and I let her go. “Bed time for me. Are we still going to the lake tomorrow?”

“Of course. Sweet dreams.”

I felt out of place as Tera made her way up the stairs, the red dress swaying around her knees. I don't know why I felt compelled to tell her that, not even sure it was coherent. Nothing I'd said would stick around when I fell asleep. Perhaps I just needed to say it, for my own sake. Bobbi hadn't been the right one any more than any other, but she'd not been a terrible one, either. Maybe I was justifying my desire to spend the next night fucking the woman instead of making my daughter feel special.

Day 1.014

I found it odd that I didn't seem to dream. Or at least, I never remembered my dreams. Usually, before I became stuck, at least one dream stayed with me long enough to recall a face or a situation. Each time the Gary Puckett song woke me from my slumber, there was nothing but a hole between the night before and the crooner singing about a lover too young to be his.

An odd song, the more I thought about it. I stretched, realized I was no longer counting the days waking up alone. What was a day, anyway? Stuck in the loop, it was all the same day. It seemed that, no matter what I did, I was forever going to wake up alone.

I changed my mind about seeing Bobbi that day when I went downstairs. Tera was leaning against the counter, wearing only a white bra and dark-blue cotton panties. I didn't look at her too long, just smiled and told her 'hello.' I'd avoided having my cock out, though a deep part of me kinda wanted her to look. Goddammit, those thoughts made me angry. Angry enough that I changed my mind and spent the evening making my daughter feel special and loved.

- - -

I found myself wondering what my daughter liked in a guy. I hoped that Curt was not the model she was looking for. All night, I let the thought linger, not letting the real reason it lingered come to the top. What I secretly hoped was that I was just such a guy. The thought disgusted me and I swallowed my anger at myself several times.

After the movie, I pulled into the garage and we went inside. Tera yawned and stretched, smiled at me sleepily. “Oh, well, guess this lady won't be putting out tonight.”

“Guess you get a spanking, then?”

She brought her hand to her mouth, made a shocked expression, turned, and thrust out her butt, pushing out the red dress in a provocative manner. “Oh, my! Please sir, may I have another?”

I made a motion toward her butt, stopping just an inch from her skin. My hand lingered a second, the heat from her body just a gentle tingle on my palm. I pulled back my hand, laughed lightly.

“Jesus, Dad. Way to leave a girl hanging.”

“You're one to talk, Ms. if it's jinglin', I'm tinglin'. You shake those things too much and a fella might get some ideas.”

She turned, cupped her boobs and shook her upper body. “What, these? I don't know what you mean.” She continued to shake her tits, and felt myself growing erect as her nipples hardened and pushed out the top of her red dress. Tera laughed, looked down, “wow, guess I am tinglin'!”

“I'll show you tinglin'” I ran my hands to her exposed sides and tickled her quickly. Tera shrieked and tried to run, but I grabbed her and tickled her more as I carried her to the couch. She was laughing, tears running down her face by the time I tossed her lightly onto the couch.

“I think I peed myself,” she said, mocking an embarrassed smile.

“Better not have, you'll ruin the couch.”

She sat up. “Your fault if I did. You know it drives me nuts when you do that.”

“As if that would stop me.”

I sat on the couch beside her and she leaned into me, still giggling. “Thanks for tonight, Dad. I really needed it.”

“I love you, Tera. I enjoyed tonight.” I put my arm around her and held her close to me. Dark thoughts threatened to play through my head.

We sat quietly for a long time, saying nothing, just holding Tera to me. She yawned eventually, said, “well, if I don't get to the toilet, I really will pee myself. Goodnight, Dad.”

“Sweet dreams, Tera.”

I heard her close herself in the hall bathroom after she went upstairs.

I was not surprised to notice that my penis was hard.

Tera left the bathroom and went to her bedroom. I sat and debated how I was going to get control of myself. She was my daughter, I couldn't let myself think about the way she smelled, couldn't be aroused to be close to her, to feel the love from her.

I made myself a double shot of bourbon, downed it, then downed another. I was troubled. The more perfect dates I had with Tera, the more I felt drawn to her. Nothing changed for her, but each day I spent growing closer to her meant I was risking more and more with each opportunity. I downed another shot, looked at the clock, noticed it was after 2am.

I had a strong buzz on when I went upstairs. I heard Tera snoring as I passed by her door, smiled, felt better knowing that the temptation had passed for the night. She'd left the light on in the bathroom and I stepped inside to flick it off.

Before I could, I noticed a small pair of dark-blue panties crumpled on the floor.

Oh, God... what do I do?

I stood motionless for several moments, just staring. Tera's snores grew louder nearby. I hesitated, almost left. Drunk and horny and too confused to think straight, I snatched the panties from the floor and retreated to my bedroom.

I turned them over in my hand, tried to ignore that they were damp. I straightened them out, my cock pounding in my pants. A creamy discharge was a thin blotch in the middle of a wider, longer wet spot. Stray copper-red pubes were stuck to the edges. I stared, fixated. Tera's panties... The scent of her pussy burned through my mind again, and I knew I had to have another fix.

I brought the panties to my nose and inhaled.




Her aroma was overpowering, wonderful, arousing, deeply stimulating. It was sharp, pungent and warm, briny, hints of jasmine and rosemary and buttery cream. I inhaled again as I unzipped my pants and pulled out my hard penis, stroking it rapidly. She smelled like pussy. Tera's pussy. I sucked in her private smells again.


I inhaled over and over until I felt my daughter's odors coating my throat, filling my lungs. I buzzed, both from the alcohol and Tera's powerful aroma, pounding my cock, straining. I imagined how the panties had pressed against Tera's virgin pussy just an hour before. Had she been horny? She smelled horny. She smelled horny! Her scent screamed arousal. Was it me she was turned on by? Was it me she had wanted to kiss her? To make love to her?

I was off the deep end, sunk well down in the fantasy, out of control.


I ejaculated onto the floor, whispering my daughter's name between sniffs, semen splattering against the dresser, onto the wall.


I let my fist fall away from my drooling, spurting dick, pressed the panties onto my face, and collapsed onto the bed, swimming in my daughter's odors.

End of Chapter 3

Read Chapter 4